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یکشنبه ۵ اسفند ۱۴۰۳

Important Notice for International Students 

All international students of Urmia University are urgently requested to leave Urmia University and go home in their countries of origin due to the serious threat of Cronavirus and closure of Urmia University and cancelation of its educational and welfare services. Do not worry about your studies at all. Vice-chancellor of Education will adopt appropriate measures to reschedule the classes of this semester in due time once this health threat is resolved. 

Please leave Urmia University as soon as possible. 

Please inform your friends and classmates on this urgent notice. Sharing is caring!


International Relations Office of Urmia University

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دانشگاه اروميه در رسانه ها

تماس با ما

تماس با ما

آدرس : استان آذربايجان غربي - اروميه

کيلومتر 11 جاده سرو - دانشگاه اروميه

شماره تلفنخانه : 43-32752741-044

کدپستي : 5756151818

صندوق پستي : 165

پست الکترونيکي :